The soil preparation is critical. ALL weeds/grass dead or alive must be removed
A soil test will be important to know the ph and nutrients of your soil -- **Note: if grass seed didn't grow, neither will sod. There must be a reason for it ** Failure: This is like building a house. It must have a great foundation to survive. Well, your sod needs the same
After your soil is tested, determine how big of an area you will be sodding. Apply needed lime and fertilizer. A base Leaf-Gro will help frankly, but will not replace lime and fertizlizer.
Most sod is 2' x 5' = 10 square feet per roll. It's best to stagger your seams, so cut your first piece in half. Start there.
Sod staples are good to help hold down the edges
Water every morning
Follow fertilizer and lime instructions as if your had seeded the areas