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Grubs can damage your lawn by eating grass roots and inviting moles and voles. Moles (meat eaters) make the tunnels and chase after the grubs. Voles (vegetarians) make the small holes in the ground and can eat all forms of plant roots. Grubs will eventually turn into Japanese Beetles which will eat your roses and other plant material.
Unfortunately there is no one knock out punch for grubs. It will take a combination of many different tactics.
#1 organic product is Milky Spore. Milky Spore must be watered in so it can be protected and activated. Once applied properly, it can last 10 years
Man Made - There are long term killers; very fast killers like 24 hrs. that have no residual affect afterwards. Some killers will aslo kill ants and other insects including grubs
Repellants - Holy Moley or Mole Max need to be watered in. Mole Max is available in liquid form also. Follow the directions and only do 1.2 of the lawn at a time.
Traps, Smoke Bombs, Poisons - All can be effective when used properly. Every situation is different. Talk to us about your options. Keep in mind the timing is everything!
None of our Grub Killers will have an effect on the germination of your grass seed
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